Web Design Articles
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Depending on the skin you are using for your Thesis 2.1.x website, there may or may not be a full-width page template included with the original design.
While many web designers find a full width page useful, not all of the Thesis skins currently offered include a template of the type.
A template of this kind can be created by Thesis users in only a few simple steps. That’s why I created this article, to show you this simple process.
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This article demonstrates the technique I use for creating full-width featured images using Thesis 2.1. Images are displayed above the headline and span the entire width of the post content box.
I chose to display my featured images above my post headlines because I feel it helps break up my content nicely and introduces the article with a cool graphic.
You can place your Thesis Post Images wherever you like, this tutorial places them above the headline because that’s what I did on my site.
Depending on your current design, the code mentioned in this article may need minor tweaking to fit perfectly with your site.
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Design plays a definite part in the success of many websites. Let’s face it, unless you are writing material as good as Seth Godin, the look of your website is going to help determine whether your readers, customers, etc. stick around or hit the dust.
I am a huge stickler about the design of my projects. Sometimes more-so than I would like to be. If I don’t have all my colors, transparencies, borders, graphics, etc. exactly how I like them, I edit & preview & edit & preview & so on.
Since the fore-mentioned tendency of mine is rather counterproductive, I like to use some of the resources you find below to make my life a little easier.
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