Criss Cross Skin Documentation
This documentation guide covers all the necessary steps for installing and setting-up the Criss Cross skin with your Thesis 2.1+ installation, plus a content styling guide.
full documentation- Installing the Criss Cross Skin
- Criss Cross Skin Content Options
- Criss Cross Skin Design Options
- Criss Cross Widgets & Templates
This article covers the different content options included with the Criss Cross skin. You will learn how to activate/deactivate different content areas of your website from the ‘Content Options’ section of Thesis.
Visit the ‘Skin Content’ Page
On the skin content options page you can control the display of some of the Skin’s content using simple check-boxes. To visit the skins content options, use the Skin > Content link in the drop-down menu on your Thesis admin page. You can also use the ‘Skin Content’ link in your WordPress admin sidebar under Thesis.
Overall Content Options
The overall options for your skin can be found at the top of your ‘Skin Content’ page. You can see a photo of what these options will look like below:

You have the option to customize your site’s Title/Tagline, WP-posts, WP-pages, Comment Sections, Widget Areas & a few other Miscellaneous content areas. Click on the section you would like to customize, then select/de-select checkboxes within the Thesis pop-up menu to activate/deactivate them.
CC Box Content Options
Options for the boxes included with Criss Cross will appear on the ‘Skin Content’ page when they are added to your page templates. The photo below shows all available boxes that can be used with Criss Cross.

To customize the options for each box simply click the desired link and fill out the information on the options page that displays. After saving your boxes options, the changes will be visible on your website.
If you still have questions about this documentation, please start a new topic within the appropriate content section on the support forums here.
Criss Cross Skin Documentation
This documentation guide covers all the necessary steps for installing and setting-up the Criss Cross skin with your Thesis 2.1+ installation, plus a content styling guide.
full documentation- Installing the Criss Cross Skin
- Criss Cross Skin Content Options
- Criss Cross Skin Design Options
- Criss Cross Widgets & Templates